Effective of Engine Oil to Vehicle’s Performance

Engine oil is a crucial component in maintaining the smooth operation and performance of a car engine. With various grades and prices available in the market, car owners can choose the appropriate engine oil that fits their budget.

The functions and characteristics of car engine oil are as follows:

  1. Engine oil nourishes the moving parts within the engine to reduce friction. Engine oil forms a lubricating film to provide smoothness.
  2. The circulation of engine oil within the system helps to cool down the engine. The engine oil carries heat away from the engine’s hotspots and releases it at the oil pan.
  3. Engine oil reduces the impact force within the engine. The force exerted on the connecting rod and the main bearing during the power stroke, and engine oil fills the bearing clearance to absorb the impact.
  4. Engine oil seals the gap between the piston ring and the cylinder wall to prevent pressure leakage.
  5. Engine oil acts as a detergent to clean up the engine. As the engine oil flows through the different parts of the engine, it carries metal particles and carbon back to the oil pan.

Taking care of a car engine involves knowing the type of engine oil that is required. The correct engine oil specification can be found in the car owner’s manual or by consulting with a qualified mechanic. It is essential to change the engine oil regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain optimal engine performance and prolong the engine’s lifespan.